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Implant Dentistry 101

Categories: Dental Surgery
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Course Description


C$24,999 + Taxes
Potential discount available with the registration through Straumann. With options to pay in installements. Contact our concierge for more details.




5 sessions from Friday to Sunday




Continuing Education Credits

126 CE Core 2

About the Course

This course trains you in predictable surgical implant placement, covering all aspects from treatment planning and surgery to post-restorative care and complication management.

The journey into dental implant placement and restoration is a fulfilling endeavor; however, it is paramount to have your first foundational experience exemplary to continue your growth. Learn from experts and specialists and become immersed in hands-on experiences, including tabletop exercises, work on animal jaws, and high-fidelity 3D models.

Under the supervision of a periodontist, prosthodontist, oral maxillofacial surgeon, dental anesthesiologist, oral radiologist, and other experts, you will receive cutting-edge, clinician-centered tips to maximize surgical success and identify and avoid common complications in implant dentistry. Our hands-on educational approach ensures you can confidently apply your newly acquired skills in private practice.

This course is designed for dentists at the beginning level of implant placement.

We’re Not Done Yet – It Gets Better!

As a special bonus, gain access to an exclusive lecture and hands-on training on how to use Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) and its applications in dentistry.


Mentorship to even feel more comfortable about your implants; MENTORSHIP FOR YOUR FIRST 10 IMPLANTS, Where the cost to you will be ONLY $500 per implant on your own patients which pay YOU. You will be able to make more money with the partnership of Straumann, Get the first year of the implant mentorship study club for FREE.

Our comprehensive course not only teaches the didactic content for and effective placement of implants via some of the most distinguished educators and practitioners in Canada, but also create a learning environment, unique with hands-on clinical mentorship and coaching that far exceeds the current training norms. The outcome is that participating dentists feel confident and competent in independently and routinely utilizing their skills in proving implant dental solutions to their patients.

Course Description of Implant 101

This is a comprehensive basic (entry and reinforcement) level dental implant course directed towards dentists new to or early on in their practice of dental implantology. The course provides a sound knowledge base for the predictable and safe practice of implant dentistry, to include simple implant cases, but it also provides theoretical information and sheds light on situations where more complicated management of cases is needed. This program provides the knowledge, skills, and confidence to successfully diagnose, treatment plan, and treat patients with dental implant therapy in the clinical practice. All aspects of treatment planning, restorative steps, and post-delivery care will be discussed.

Goal of Implant 101

For participants to obtain the skills needed for predicable and successful surgical placement of implants for single tooth restoration. The participant understand the didactic theory to properly undergo case selection through evaluation a patient and prosthodontic treatment planning. Participants will be able to provide comprehensive care for patients through pre-surgical optimization to post-restorative maintenance and evaluation. Participants to competently and confidently provide implant solutions to dentists and manage typical complications.

Objectives of Implant 101

At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
  • Identify patients who would benefit for implant therapy
  • Achieve predicable outcomes through learning case selection variables
  • Review the surgical anatomy and biologic basic sciences required for the safe practice of dental implantology.
  • Learn methods to facilitate comfortable dental implant surgery
  • Manage common surgical complications and learn advanced suturing
  • Implement the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course for proper treatment planning for patients requiring dental implant treatment.
  • Formulate an evidence-based approach during the practice of dental implantology.
  • Consider tools to improve the biomechanical and esthetic outcomes
  • Choose advantageous materials
  • Exposure to Bone grafting
  • Utilize radiology to plan, place, restore and maintain implants
  • Apply knowledge for adequate dental implant treatment planning and for the long-term follow-up of dental implants.
  • Recognize early and delayed dental implant complications, offer suitable management protocols and refer patients to specialists as needed.

Course Certificates

  • Certificate will be presented issuing 126 CE Core 2 in Ontario.


Spring 2025
  • Session 1: April 4th, 5th, 6th
  • Session 2: April 11th, 12th, 13th
  • Session 3: April 25th, 26th, 27th
  • Session 4: May 16th, 17th, 18th
  • Session 5: June 20th, 21 st, 22nd

Session Highlights

Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 5.20.00 PM
Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 5.19.45 PM

What Will You Learn?

  • Over 35 hours of surgical didactic and over 35 hours of prosthodontic didactic learning.
  • 15+ days of comprehensive didactic learning and active hands-on components.

Student Ratings & Reviews

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